Bread Making & Eating Sorrows


Good days and not-so-good days, we all know them well. And we’d know by now, there’s not much to do
to turn a bad day around because usually it gets worse with more meddling. Or maybe that’s only my own experience.

So just sit through the day sulky? Perhaps, perhaps not…Fortunately,
these few Mondays have not been busy days at work for me. So
with time on my hands and a foul mood shadowing me, I stayed home and
turned the negative energy to kneading bread by hand which is
therapeutic for me. At the rate I am going there is now a bread
selection for breakfast. Rye sourdough yesterday,
wholemeal sourdough today.

Eight hours later, the wholemeal loaf had just cooled down
and the midnight hunger crept in. To
bite into a slice from the dough that I kneaded all my day’s frustration into
was truly medicinal. The cycle is now
completed, I ate the lousy day away.

Tomorrow will be surely be better.