Mittwoch Morgen | Es regnet

Wednesday Morning | It’s Raining


Such days come by like the unexpected sun beaming through the clouds after the rain, and we have to pleasure to be greeted with a faint rainbow. My appointments for today coincidently had been cancelled. Such days are no good for business though but then, that’s the nature of business anyway – there are busy days and there are quiet days.

Before sunrise, the flashes of lightning and rumbling thunder did not wake me up as arising before the sun had been a natural habit lately. Moments of lying in the dawn darkness prelude a brief half hour of exercise on the mat or a run in the park should time permit. After a refreshing shower, the day ahead is waiting for me and I take my first step into it with ease. Oh, and of course how I could miss out a cup of cappuccino!

It’s much better this way than before. Do you have a morning ritual too?