Herb Encrusted Lamb Racks

I’m not the most romantic person around, my good friends can vouch that
in unison. Flowers, big soft teddys or a candlelight dinner don’t
really work its expected magic as we see in the movies. There are many out there, who a coincidentally my friends, who are quite immune to such mainstream romance.

So unromantic that I don’t even bother with birthday present for the Other Half! To cushion the harsh negative answer when asked of the present I gave, I decided to cook a meal instead. At least to some, it does have romantic elements. But truth is, we cook every other weekend. So its just another weekend! (See how I’m trying hard to steer away from any links to romanticism)

We invited our friends over for dinner, serving the birthday boy’s favourite meat: lamb.

Herb Encrusted Lamb Racks

2 racks of lamb
2 stale bread, made into crumbs
Rosemary, thyme & mint leaves, chopped
2 tbsp honey
2 tbsp mustard
Salt & pepper

Add chopped herbs with breadcrumbs
Coat the lamb with honey and mustard mixture.
Then cover with the breadcrumbs & herbs.
Pan fry on very hot pan to brown all sides.
(you’ll need a pair of good kitchen thongs!)
Roast the lamb in a preheated oven 200C for 20-25 minutes.

To serve with:

Salsa Verde

Chopped mint, parsley, basil, garlic & olive oil