where did october go?

Though I am still wondering where did the month go, it surely zipped by.  I had just returned from my longest ever stay down south in Singapore, a record of ten days.  Singapore, being a mere 350km down south from Kuala Lumpur, had always been a 2 nights trip.  Just enough to catch up over coffee, dine and shop.  This trip, I was attending a ten day course on Visceral Manipulation led by a New Yorker.

I can write and speak a whole lot about what Visceral Manipulation is, but I shall make this quick.  Visceral Manipulation is developed by a French osteopath, Jean-Pierre Barral, who has discovered that the healthy function of our internal organs are influenced by their ability to freely move inside the abdomen.  The techniques rely on a pair of gentle and sensitive hands topped with precise anatomy knowledge.  An organ who has become restricted over a long time may deteriorate in its function therefore restoring its mobility can help to restore health in the body again.

Day by day, I slowly discovered and palpated the liver, stomach, kidneys and everything else inside and I must say that I can now visualize clearly the long journey our food takes once it enters our mouth.  Almost all the organs in our abdomen have a role in digesting food, breaking it down into nutrients for absorption and filtering out the unwanted as waste.  I am beginning to appreciate even more why we should be aware and mindful of what we eat!

Peppered in between after each day was a little time and energy left to dine out and cook a few good meals, which was for me the best way to wind down a long day.  Once again, another concoction of the favourite three ingredient pasta : smoked trout, lamb’s spinach and cream.  A rich hearty meal inside the apartment of our lovely host between the bustle of crowds outside.