A Wholesome Bak Kut Teh Meal

We did the run on Sunday! Rising as early as 5.00am on a Sunday morning is one almost impossible feat. Top that with rising to run 10km, it’s a big turn-off. But there was no turning back. The run was organised by my studio as part of promoting a healthy lifestyle and to bring out the undiscovered potential in every person (eg completing 10km).

Many think that Pilates is just another exercise, as a teacher, I have seen major transformations in a person. You could say that before Pilates, they were a flower bud hibernating in winter, awaiting the nurturing rain and sun of spring. After Pilates they are in full beautiful bloom, with so much more confidence in themselves and ready to live life to the fullest. For me, this is what I call job satisfaction. Everyday to learn and to be inspired by each and every person I work with, I am filled with gratitude.

They say that running a marathon can be a life-changing event. Though we only did 10km instead of a full 42km, there’s no denying the truth in that statement. Before the run, all of us were dreading the distance. It’s like driving from Sunway to 1-Utama perhaps! Neither were we training vigorously for it.

But once you hit the finishing line, a big smile flashes. “I did it!” you would be rejoicing. Me, my studio partner AY and two lovely & hip mommies were on a emotional high for the next few minutes and rested our tired legs while waiting to cheer my Other Half to the finishing line of his 21km run. (Our hats off to him, 2 hours 20minutes of continuous running!)

Tired, sweaty and happy, we all headed for bak kut teh to nourish our battered bodies. Warm soups, fluffy rice and mountains of pork prepared us well for our midday nap!

Join us for the next run : Singapore – December 2006?