Barista-rina @ Moonbucks

Many moons ago when the caffeine junkie was still in hibernation, my parents had redeemed their AMEX points for a real espresso machine – Krups. Must have been an old brand because I never seen anymore Krups around, whether at the local Harvey Norman or even Delicious magazines. Anyway, the espresso machines in the ads now are much more aerodynamic and contemporary in design.

So have you heard of anyone who lives in Melbourne and not make the latte their official drink. Up till October, I was a faithful regular at Starbucks with my buy-9-coffee-get-1-free redemption card. It was a real good deal – then.

Having new knowledge of the art of making lattes ( by observing Starbucks’ baristas ), I took out our Krups and decided to make my own latte so I can save RM7.50 four times a week. Also, once someone remarked lattes are good is Australia because of the milk. So for my homemade latte, only the best imported fresh milk from Australia will meet the standards : Farmhouse Full Fat Milk.

*Ohh, by the way, Moonbucks is the brand of homemade latte (unoriginality intended)

After several attempts, one of Moonbucks’ customer was particularly hard to please. He insisted on seeing dark coffee-stained rim on the mug. That was my key performance indicator.

Moonbucks Latte

As much ground coffee you can compress
Farmhouse Full Fat Milk (the pink carton)

Start by frothing the milk. I just let the temperature rise till the steel mug feels too hot to touch because buying a thermometer just for this is not quite worth it.
Brew the espresso
Pour hot milk and top it off with some foamy bits (1 part espresso, 3 parts milk, 1/2 part foam)

Take a sip and ZINGG- You’re awake!

Moonbucks would like to announce the introduction of art on your coffee soon! Stay tune and don’t bother bringing the redemption cards for stamping because Moonbucks will always be FREE!!

For the other budding baristas :