Munich : Splendid Return


Twenty plus hours after giving Barkley, my beloved Labrador, a big snuggy hug, I finally arrived in Munich. Even before I arrived, I could trace my steps that will lead me to, who we call as the greatest hosts in the world, D&T´s apartment in Haidhausen. On the S8 train stopping at Rosenheimer Platz and walking down Balanstrasse and finally arriving at Pariser Strasse 2.


The usual buzz and excitement of arriving into a strange unknown city did not accompany me tonight. It almost didn´t feel like I was on a trip away, it made me worried slightly before arriving. Whether returning to Munich for the third time was a wise decision instead of using the resources to visit a brand new place.

My worries disappeared upon the doorsteps of Pariser Strasse 2. D&T already laid out the table and served warm pasta with sardine and mackerel served with capers, olives and zucchini. Together with a glass of wine, it was exactly what I needed after such a long journey.

The buzz of a new city can be alluring and addictive but the comfort of returning to a familiar place, especially a place that I particularly like very much and where I had fond memories, feels cozy and warm like a good fluffy goose down jacket.

And to step back again in Europe is akin to a liberating sense of freedom. Over dinner, we talked about museums, music and food – just the way I like it and missed so much.

Hence, I did make the right decision.