Edinburgh : A New Year

dsc_3353.jpgAs if to cry out all of the year’s sorrow and pain, the wind blew and the sky poured out all tears, ramshackling trees, signboards and other unsecured items including its human inhabitants. The final day of 2006, usually a reason for rejoice and hope, celebrated with fireworks, became a reminder to everyone or at least those here in Edinburgh that building expectations may lead to disappointments. So always be prepared.

Thousands of tourist from every corner of the continents converged here to participate in a grand exit for 2006 and an even grander welcome of 2007. Fireworks to be let off at seven locations across the city, a street party fit for 100,000 people, outdoor concerts by Paulo Nutini and Pet Shop Boys and many more events were lined up for the height of the Hogmanay. I was almost one of these tourists – my bigger concern was to visit the Better Half. We did plan and ensured our presence to witness this spectacular night.


But alas, no amount of meticulous planning would prepare us and the city for an entire day of winds, measuring up to 150km/h. Every hour I peeked out the window only to hear rain hitting hard on the glass and the ghostly howling of the wind. It never quite stopped. At 9pm, we persevered and bravely decided to rebel against the weather, clearly screaming at us, “Stay in tonight!”

At the bus stop, we met up with some other of the Better Half’s course mates and over a confusion as to which bus to board, we received a call. “Hogmanay’s canceled, the announcement out on TV.” Immediately relieved, though superficially looking disappointed, we adjourned into the common lounge of the University’s hall. One by one, friends streamed in dejected after their bus ride back from town.

dsc_3382.jpgWhen the clock struck midnight, everyone hugged each other warmly – perhaps due to the icy cold weather, but surely as consolation towards a canceled party and the appreciation of each other’s company on this night in Edinburgh instead of in Brazil, Mexico, China, India, Vietnam, Nepal, Belarus, Uzbekistan and of course, Malaysia.

Happy New Year!