Prague : An Apartment


I’m losing track of my days and dates. I believe we arrived in Prague on Friday, 8 September early in the morning at the Hlavni Nadrazi train station. Six stops on tram no.9 later, we arrived at our apartment located in a 16th century courtyard building with a chapel at one corner. There were some school groups on the courtyard grounds viewing the chapel so I would believe that this building has significant history.

Unlike the other surrounding architecture, our building is void of decorative window carvings or an ornate wooden door for its entrance. In fact, this building’s perimeter is not even a well-calculated square. Up the steps to the first floor, we are greeted by an art installation : a life-sized human made with the skin of blue and white yarn hanging out by the corridor with his gardening tools.

As the owner guided us through the apartment, my heart immediately beamed. We have a fully equipped kitchen with gas stoves, oven and even dishwasher! The bathroom had a nice tub for a warm bath but all I needed was the kitchen. All these luxuries for only €5 more each night from our Krakow hostel!


Breakfast :

Omelette with mushrooms, fresh milk, freshly brewed coffee and a large peach.

There’s just about that much of kebab and hotdogs I can eat in a week and I am well over that limit. I relished at our two home-cooked meals yesterday with the only two spices I found – whole black pepper and one tablespoon of paprika.


Dinner :

Paprika pork stew with potatoes and steamed asparagus with garlic butter.

Now I feel nourished.