Osso Bucco in Urgency


Carlton Gardens, where I walk across to reach V’s home in those good old university days.

The phone rang, V’s calling from Melbourne. Even before I could ask of his wellbeing, I quickly had to answer to his question, “Can you tell me how to make osso bucco? I’m buying some now, cooking dinner for my in-laws tonight.”

“Sorry, I really cannot remember how. Ask the butcher, he’ll tell you how to prepare it,” I answered.

“I’m in Safeway now, not in the market. Just tell me what other ingredients I need,” he said urgently.

Almost 8 years ago, the weekly Victoria Market purchase once included two pieces of osso bucco which were slashed to half price as the butchers begin to clean up at midday. I was just plain curious then. This afternoon, it was absolutely impossible to recall how the osso bucco was prepared. Though I remembered it to turn out pretty decent, decent enough for a young university student’s dinner.

“Call me back in 5 minutes!” I said to him.

In a rush, I dashed down to the kitchen library and pulled out The Silver Spoon and flipped to the page – Osso Bucco Alla Milanese. The phone rang again before I had a good read of the recipe. The next five minutes, I can imagine V dashing across the aisle searching for flat-leaf parsley.

“Wait, mint. That I don’t need. Got it, parsley!”

“Does it resemble the shape of broccoli or cilantro?” I asked as aware of the often confusion that happens with guys and grocery shopping.

“Damn, wrong one. Where is that flat-leaf?? Ahh, it was right in front of my face!” You could sense the tinge of adrenalin rush running through him.

While he pushed his cart to check-out, I read out the recipe to him twice and clarified the technique. “Sear the osso bucco after the onion had softened in butter. Sear as in just enough to brown the surface on high heat. Remember, short and quick. Don’t let the meat inside cook otherwise you’ll dry the meat out!”

The phone message from V I received later read, “Turned out brilliant! Everyone loves it! Thanks to my secret advisor.”

Just love it when men get down and dirty in the kitchen. Terribly sexy. His wife, such a lucky woman!