Turning up the oven


Prior to the Kitchenaid stand mixer which appeared unplanned in the kitchen, which I must mention the weekly cakes and ice-cream those around me had been indulging in, the budget was allocated for an oven.  A year of cooking with a single gas stove didn’t feel inadequate in any way, rather the longing for a tray of succulent grilled vegetables and roast potatoes with rosemary.  Not much can be shared about roast chicken as this poultry had never quite entered past the gates of home – except one presented by M healthily fed in her family’s farm at Cameron Highlands.  Sorry but commercially-farmed and antibiotics drugged chicken in the market, really ain’t a chicken for me.

Along the main road I zip by often, a banner screamed out a kitchen appliances sale.  After mustering a bagful of courage (and cash), I stepped in – all set in the ‘give-me-an-oven-now’ mode.  Quickly the deal was closed.  Two days later, the GLEM oven laid gleaming on the counter.

Now slightly marked with finger prints two weeks later, I can’t stop using the oven.  Such sheer convenience too.  Pop some sliced aubergines, zucchinis, peppers and onions with olive oil.   Set it to beep 1 hour later.  One session of Rolfing later, lunch is ready once the pasta turns al dente in 11 minutes.  Chop up the grilled vegetables, add chopped fresh parsley and a squirt of lemon juice for a zing.  Efficient, isn’t it?

Meantime, I have get cracking for more vegetarian meals as I have dedicated the next two weeks to my health and its restoration.  Less work, less multi-tasking, less meat while taking a break from my Tuesday mornings barefoot exercise sessions (which I will miss!) as I decided it’s about time again to do the Ayurveda Panchakarma, 14 days of detoxification and rejuvenation so my body goes back to tip-top after another twelve months of rewarding but hard work, delicious meals and living life up.  More about that soon.