Pilates Party Spread

July and August are the most hectic months for me. I’m not sure whether it is just a personal phenomenon or the same goes for everyone else. Perhaps after the celebratory first quarter from New Year’s, Chinese New Year and the winding down of Christmas, we all need some time to get the gear going. Or in my case, July became busy because the initial plans of May and June were postponed due to procrastination and lack of planning.

Two weeks ago, activity levels peaked at the studio. Two events back to back for a studio with only two employees was extremely taxing. First we had thrown our first ever press event and then followed with a studio open day.

Being in the business of promoting health and wellbeing, our menus for those days would have to definitely reflect the studio’s philosophy. Serving cheesecakes and the traditional lasagne just wouldn’t do. With me often being too particular about serving the right food, considerable
effort had been taken to plan the events’ menu.

The Menu (in chronogical order of photos) :

  • Organic Rojak with Peanut Butter & Molasses
  • Organic Panetonne
  • SL’s Delicious Mango Salad
  • Fresh out of the bag raw snacks
  • My usual cold tossed soba

We all loved the organic rojak made from fruits including apple and guava. All the organic food came from our studio’s ‘canteen’ – the organic cafe downstairs.