Melted Thermometer

This thermometer was one of the many cooking utensils and ingredients that I brought home with me from Vancouver. A dual purpose thermometer, it comes with a cover and clip for frothing milk where you can attach it to the milk jug. The clip can be removed to test the temperature of meats too.

The thermometer spent majority of its time measuring milk temperature for my homemade latte. It was used for the first time last month while roasting leg of lamb. The lamb turned out very well, just slightly pink and juicy inside.

If you ever tried to look for a thermometer at the local department store, you’d know then it is not an easy find. So last Sunday, I offered the thermometer to a friend who had searched unsuccessfully for one. Before she came to pick it up, I snapped a few shots for fun. I never expected it these shots to be the last I saw of it.

The next day, she called up apologetically to inform me about the
demise of my thermometer. Unknowing she had placed the thermometer
into the oven for roasting, instead of piercing the meat after it has been removed from the oven. After 2 hours, the display melted inside and became gel!

It turned out to be rather hilarious, but luckily their leg of lamb was not affected. The lamb was a little overcooked because the thermometer melted when it pointed to 80C. We all have our own culinary mishaps, so she has been forgiven.

So before you attempt to roast with a thermometer, please check if your thermometer is made to withstand the whole roasting process!