siem reap | tenkairen

At the newly relocated and refurbished Blue Pumpkin, we were icing ourselves with ice fruit shakes together with C from Boston whom we hooked up within minutes after arriving at Two Dragons.  If you’ve been or heard about the famous Bed Supper Club in Bangkok, the Blue Pumpkin is a cafe version with equally white decor and a long enough sofa which you can eat, surf the internet and also chat to the person lazing sitting next to you.

She was sipping her green juice alone and the waiters seem to recognise and provide her with a regular’s badge of service.  As we began talking, she brought out a translated copy of the introduction chapter from her book.  So, she’s an author and writes about how to be contented and happy.  Interestingly enough for die-hard travelers like us, she travels a whopping 11 months a year and spends the tiny portion of the year back home in Japan.  On top of that, she travels alone.  Our hats were already off to her then.

A few moments later, we each had our turn with her holding and warming our palms while our eyes stayed shut and she helped us to meditate as she revealed to us that she was also a healing practitioner and telepathic.  Wow.  We didn’t know exactly what she did to us but we all felt calm and soft. after some attention from her.  That afternoon, I felt like a smile wanted to express itself.