bern | the biggest clock

With a quivering hand, he shook mine and spoke in impeccable English, “Hello, I am Jurgen. Where are you from?”

“From Malaysia.”

“Kuala Lumpur? Where they have the biggest building in the world.”

“Yes, the previously tallest twin towers in the world.”

“A good German friend once lived there for a few years.”

“Here in Bern, we have the biggest clock.”

He began to drum his fingers gingerly with a lot of effort on the table next to his espresso and asked, “What do you think is?”

I frowned in confusion.

He laughed, “A nervous breakdown.”  I smiled at his sweet humour.

“I have Parkinson’s…”

Later I was told that Jurgen had also hurt his hand the day before when he punched the wall in anger. His body couldn’t move to his wish to wear his shoes. It is still extremely sad for me to see how one aged man with such a sound and young mind to be failed everyday by his unwilling body – for the past 13 years.