Yoka’s Coffee, Tea & Honey

‘Top Grade Arabica Beans, Roasted in The ShopP1000689

Yoka’s Coffee, Tea & Honey is situated at  3171 West Broadway Vancouver BC.  At helm in the store is a pair of almost silver-haired man and wife who knows everything and anything about coffee. Heather stops over regularly for her afternoon fix and highly recommended it to me if ever I needed a quick pick-me-up from a long day working out at her studio.

Yoka, the wife is usually perched at the inhouse coffee roaster cooling off freshly roasted beans (see post continuation link).  As you push through the aged door, smell of these beans permeates in the air headily drawing you to their counter of extensive blends of beans.

While waiting for the man to brew my coffee, I always sneaked in questions about coffee.  They come from all over the world.   "So what coffee do you feel like today?, he would ask.  Medium bold? Dark round? Light sweet? Custom ordering coffee for the day is fantastic! Starbucks, you’ve got lots to learn.

P1000311As I slowly sip a latte while watching the hour go by along West Broadway,  I couldn’t help eavesdropping and observing Yoka’s streaming customers.  They bring their same old brown bag from the previous purchase.  That’s how the store keep track of customer orders.  No complicated CRM software needed.  One comment that I hear always was, "Why doesn’t your coffee leave that bitter aftertaste like the usual ones I drink elsewhere?"

My answer to that question is that the owners have stayed committed to their business, never let their passion wane and believes that in the best for themselves and all that translate into their long term survival and success in a world dominated by coffee chains. 

I brought some beans home, they were simply a class above any coffee I have tasted.  Sweet.