At the Airport

We’re now 15 minutes away from boarding our first leg of flight stopping over in Bangkok, enroute to Vienna. No matter how much earlier we started preparing for this trip, the last day is always one big rush. While I juggled last minute trips to the bank, dentist and final bits of shopping, the Better Half was working at the office sending out the last email at 4.45pm.

With the recent developments of tight security checks at the airports, we arrived earlier than the usual 2 hours before departure. For the past few days I have been asking around for updates with KLIA’s procedures but without success. If you have plans to travel and are concerned with what you can bring or cannot bring, hopefully this will be helpful.

Save for a sign printed on a white A4 paper at the immigration entrance which reads, “NO liquids and gels permitted on flights to UK and USA”, everything is operating normally at the airport. So concerns about not being to bring on board that moisturing face cream for the dehydrating long flight can finally be laid to rest. (That was one of my biggest concern as I tend to slap on the richest moisturiser every 40 minutes!).

Both our expectations of leaving this time are worlds apart. While it feels like just another trip away for me, the Better Half has been swarmed with well wishes on the phone for his departure. So emotion wise, we’re meeting halfway. I can’t recall those similar excitement we shared on our previous trips away.

After arriving in Vienna, we’ll hop on an hour bus to Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. Till then, the long journey lies ahead…